Woe of a Dead Battery - In Spite of Ourselves
Singing with him made me feel better. He stayed and we sang a few more. Healing the woe of a dead battery and wishing John a happy birthday, we felt him smile down on us right then and there.
Fetch the Bolt Cutters...
It is a song that I love because it digs hard into what it feels like to ‘not belong’ and the wretched place of being in comparison with someone else. It reminds me of when I wasn’t cool in junior high, and also now, when I wonder where I fit in. I think in general I resist ‘fitting in’ because I know it doesn’t serve me well to give myself over to someone else’s standards.
I'll Be Here in the Morning
‘I’ll Be Here in the Morning’ wasn’t the first Townes song I learned, but it was probably the third or the fourth. In re-learning it for the tribute show, I thought it would be cool sung as a duet. I love this song because it reminds me of traveling, especially touring as a musician. There’s something uncanny about moving on from a place, whether it’s where you live, or a town you just got to a day or two before. Leaving a place commands you to be in the moment, which I really enjoy about touring as a musician. Some days I wonder if I’ll ever really do that again and I wonder if I’m romanticizing it all. Then I realize, yes I am and so was Townes.
New Beginnings
This song seemed simple at first and I thought it would be easy to learn but I have to confess that I struggled with trying to sing it! Singing along with a song you love is one thing, but to figure out how to ‘perform’ it is another. And since Lilly and I have similar ranges, I definitely thought that would be the easy part. But nope. It can be a dangerous moment when suddenly your own voice fails you. The inner voices start in ‘maybe you aren’t such a good singer after all… maybe you should stop this nonsense… no one wants to hear you butcher this song… ‘ and the U-turns of giving up keep on going.
Sing a Glad Song
In the days and weeks to come I drew inward and became reflective of the circumstances around. I started making playlists to cope, and while I was exploring new music, I heard ‘Sing a Glad Song’ by Kevin Morby. The words and music lifted me up and I felt emotional every time I listened to this song.
‘When you get to feeling so bad, sing a glad song, When you get to feeling so sad, sing a glad song... And perhaps we’ll meet again my friend, above the weather. And these coughs in our chests will have gotten better.”
I think I lost it
“I Lost it” speaks to me because I feel like I’m always searching for something. Maybe it’s a memory, maybe it’s my keys, maybe it’s my voice. This song takes me to finding grace over and over again - I once was lost but now I’m found - I’ve heard this song was inspired by a bumper sticker that asks if you’ve found Jesus, and her response was ‘Have I lost him?’