Keeping Track of the Voice Within
How we come along, ‘to make a brand new world,’ as she says in the song. I feel like it is about finding the courage to be a vulnerable voice - to say what the ‘feeling’ is and convey that musically, where words sometimes do not say enough. Nothing against poetry (or even prose, you know I love reading) but sometimes the PUNCH comes in through the sound of the music to get the point across.
Postcard from Modesto, CA
This is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to travel in an all-female band and I have to say I’m really enjoying it. So many of us are used to being the only girl in the band, and we have sometimes had to find ways to be heard over the patriarchal musings that surface in any number of situations. But here, we’ve got each other’s backs and we are really getting to know and trust each other.
Life In Car Years
New cars make me nervous. Will we get along? Can I trust them? What types of quirks will they have and will I be able to live with that? How quickly will it turn into a messy car, stacked with mementos that sort of just meld into it. As I write this, I am avoiding the ‘final clean’ of Le Vibe, nicknamed ‘Tim’ by my friend Jason Crosby,
I'll Be Here in the Morning
‘I’ll Be Here in the Morning’ wasn’t the first Townes song I learned, but it was probably the third or the fourth. In re-learning it for the tribute show, I thought it would be cool sung as a duet. I love this song because it reminds me of traveling, especially touring as a musician. There’s something uncanny about moving on from a place, whether it’s where you live, or a town you just got to a day or two before. Leaving a place commands you to be in the moment, which I really enjoy about touring as a musician. Some days I wonder if I’ll ever really do that again and I wonder if I’m romanticizing it all. Then I realize, yes I am and so was Townes.