Fetch the Bolt Cutters...
“I’ve been in here too long” says Fiona Apple on the title track to her most recent record released last year. I think it was my favorite record of last year. It dropped at precisely the right time and I felt so lucky to have it in my listening cue throughout. As I’ve been trying to learn a song every week and post a video of my playing said song I stumbled into challenging ground on this one. And down the rabbit hole I went and may still be in there digging around. There is something to be said about getting in so deep on a song that it requires more time and attention. Now this song is haunting me like the others have and I am still trying to finish editing the video. The idea to do these covers videos was actually supposed to be kept simple but here I am adding string parts and loops and all kinds of extra stuff. With all that said, I’m going to post it here and move on, as there’s lots of other stuff to tell you about.
Fetch the Bolt Cutters, song by Fiona Apple
One more thing about this song though! It is a song that I love because it digs hard into what it feels like to ‘not belong’ and the wretched place of being in comparison with someone else. It reminds me of when I wasn’t cool in junior high, and also now, when I wonder where I fit in. I think in general I resist ‘fitting in’ because I know it doesn’t serve me well to give myself over to someone else’s standards. I wistfully look on while I watch awards shows where people seemed to have figured out the magic formula and wonder why I haven’t ever figured it out, yet I am so compelled to make music, even if I remain on the fringe. I feel very happy right now about the fact I get to make the music I want, even if a small number of people ever hear it. I wonder what I can do to help others realize this freedom and how it can actually benefit others.
So, another thing I want to start talking about is the new music that I have on the brink of coming out. Starting in May, I will be releasing a song each week. The songs were born out of a wonderful collaboration I was a part of last year during the pandemic. I wrote with some of my co-workers at the hospital I am working at and we created a body of work called “Take Good Care.” I will be selling this as a CD and also offering digital downloads via this website and also on the other platforms. Each week I plan to tell the story of the song and the co-writer that was involved. We recorded this music at The Bomb Shelter in December and I am so proud of the music. You can pre-order music HERE and FYI I am also MOVING this week so everything in my shop is on sale! I will have new shirts on the way soon so stay tuned and when they are available I will let you know.
All right, thanks so much for being interested in what’s going on over here! Much much more to come. I appreciate you. Love Megan