Bold Journey into Burnout
I was working in the Palliative Care Unit at Vanderbilt when the pandemic hit. Palliative Care is a specialty in medical care that focuses on treating the symptoms of a disease that cannot be cured. Sometimes it leads straight into end of life care in a short period of time. I had been doing this work for the past 7 years and found it rewarding and that it was my calling.
Pies for Xmas
I must move more slowly, because I want to. I want to savor my conversations with you like they are precious mini pies eaten with spicy cocoa. Like the first morning snow. Like the string section in the Nutcracker Suite. I ask, how can I be of service, how can I love more, how can I exude peace when Kroger is crazy? I believe in it. I believe in small acts of kindness. I believe in mini pies. Dutch apple, chocolate ganache oreo, cheese graham cracker, ricotta custard and whatever else my ingredients lead me to. xoxo happy holidays,
Canvas Rebel Article
Whether I am playing or experiencing it, music always continues to enrich my life. I consider it a gift to be able to step onto a stage and forget about everything except for the task at hand. I always receive back ten-fold what I put out into the environment as a performer. It is a shot of adrenaline to my spirit that I am always grateful to experience. It truly is magical.
Writing and Peter Cooper
“The urgency to write is a call from God… it’s impossible to fail. Your writing is a current in a mountain stream you are learning how to dip into.” Suzanne Kingsbury
As much as I was loving getting back into the NY life, we had to fly out early Sunday AM in order to see Lizzo at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. It kinda blew my mind to see two shows like that back to back. I’m in awe of these powerhouse women and they are all crushing! Brittany, Allison, Brandi, Lizzo! C’mon!