20 + year band - a reunion and a bit of the origin story
It was magical and we hit most of the marks on the tunes. Singing came easily and the quiet of the room let us hear ourselves in a way we possibly never had. I felt the years of experience in our voices blend together; so many harmonies between us all and it reminded me how singing with the ones you love to sing with can be one of the most spiritual experiences possible as a musician.
Post for Introverts
Do you ever get caught looking at something so closely that all the lines blur and that in itself feels like a work of art? For me, that’s what being an ‘introvert’ is. And like an egg, I can be cracked so easily to wake up and reveal my inner yolk, but I could also just be an egg, in your refrigerator, sitting quietly, on the verge of expiration, completely content.
Ohio Summer Recap
As the song progressed, I felt myself become more aligned in my body, and some of the repetitive thoughts I was having, about women being turned away that very moment, and what will happen to women who may need to terminate a pregnancy for a huge number of reasons, and on and on, and I replaced that anxiety with action. The action of sending peace to those places and to all of us, for so many women I know have been faced with impossible decisions, and I think we always assumed it would be still up to us. I am still angry. I am still frustrated. But I learned again music has the power to modulate pain into peace.