Post for Introverts
Hey! Ya, it’s been a little over a month since my last post. Do you ever get caught looking at something so closely that all the lines blur and that in itself feels like a work of art? For me, that’s what being an ‘introvert’ is. And like an egg, I can be cracked so easily to wake up and reveal my inner yolk, but I could also just be an egg, in your refrigerator, sitting quietly, on the verge of expiration, completely content.
And for once in my life, I don’t feel it necessary to ‘perform’ my way out of this feeling. In fact, it’s nice to settle back into the couch in comfortable clothes, glazing over into the observational world of baseball. Yes my team, and also whatever team is on that interests me. What show are you watching? My co-workers ask…
And I double checked, I’m not depressed! It’s the fact that time is going by so fast, that I feel the need to pause it; pause myself here, inside my shell, observe, reflect, and integrate. No need to fill in every hour, every gap. Just be. What a luxury!
It has been a whirlwind leading up to here since I last wrote though. 10 beautiful days in Ohio including Jesse Henry’s wedding and Comfest as bookends, pirate gigs with Tom Mason across the TN region, and a sister Katelyn birthday visit!
Thanks for sticking with me as I go inward and investigate the smaller details of all that encompasses us! I surely will emerge with some wisdom or music or a combo of all that which shows itself to me!
Pause, rest, relax, feel the flow of what moves you deeply. Listen to the nudges and find a moment to let yourself enjoy the clouds. That is the beauty of freedom.