Full of Farewells from Florida

Hello from Florida! Finally on a trip we’ve been trying to take for at least 2 years. The last time we were here was actually the last trip we took in Feb 2020 before… well you know. So we are back to visit for a couple days and trying to relax. It’s in the trying to relax part that I find the push/pull of what vacation really is.

Phase 1 - the getting there - at least for me- involves manic house cleaning, regrets at not cleaning enough ever, promises to self to clean more when I get back followed by a late night of trying to decide what to bring and usually making weird decisions about I will/won’t want to wear on this ‘week of relaxation’ mixed with my clothes are old. Also, how many books to bring that I will/won’t read? This year having a kindle simplifies it a little but at the last minute I slip Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act: A Way of Being into my carry on because I know I will want to hold this book in my hands as I read it and underline things. Then it’s late to bed, early to rise, chase the dog around the yard because he saw the suitcases and now he’s rebelling but the uber is here, and finally whew, made it to the airport, and instead of reading, it’s Law and Order all the way the Fla.

Phase 2 - Whooosh! I’m free, I’m here - all of the ideas I’ve ever had about creating seem to be in line to be looked at. Memoir, music, videos - look at all this time to work on stuff! Oh but wait. You are somewhere different than normal. Things to eat, drink, see - take it in! Write it down? Or remember? Fresh food! Excitement! Other people’s dogs! Distractions! The ocean! How did I never notice the beauty of such a wondrous beast!?!

Phase 3 - rest. rest. rest.

Phase 4 - find the energy to enjoy some freaking down time. Perhaps read/listen to a book that is enjoyable - it doesn’t all have to be work. Stare at the ocean. Think of possibilities but also now is the time you will want to go back to. ‘the good times.’

Phase 5 - Swear you’ll take more time to do these trips. Commit to more trips. Make a list of the places and people you want to get to sooner than later.

Obv I’m still between phase 1 & 2 but that’s why I’m writing this now instead of in several days :)

Oh! and I want to share a new song that came out today that I was fortunate to work on with my dear bestie John Calvin Abney and one of my favorite musician/bassist/witchy women Shonna Tucker. It’s called Full of Farewells and its out on bandcamp today and you can find it here

JCA and I have worked on this special lil tune over the years and it’s had a few incarnations but I have to say listening to this version again, it’s my favorite. And there’s nothing like going back and visiting your past self (in this case it’s me on the fiddle and bgv’s) and finally being able to overlook some of what felt glaring flaws and appreciating where and who I was in that moment.

Also it lets me hear my friend JCA and his beautiful song making. He’s one of my favorite writers to know and work with and we are siblings-in-creation, forever connected. We draw from many of the same wells and it’s one of the greatest honors in my life to work with him. He’s had some of his own challenges with his body/voice and is on an extended vocal rest right now, needing surgery on his precious music producing vocal cords, and so giving him a listen, sending healing energy, and even a few bucks his way would help him in his journey. He’s a special soul who has always been there for me in all of my trials with health and wellness and he’s someone who would do anything for anyone always. So thank you in advance for listening to him and sending whatever you can - even if it’s just goodwill - for his healing. I love him dearly, if that wasn’t obvious.

All right, time to pet these 3 great danes I’m hanging out with in Florida and stare at that beautiful ocean and reflect on all the goodness out there. Much love, MP


Lost For Words


You Can't Fire Me, I Quit!