Home stretch, kinda...

 Photo by Chad Cochran

It just occurred to me I have been super busy focusing on healing that I've forgotten to spend much time updating this website. It's really been a journey for me these last few months. Since my surgery in July, I have been on a Sabbatical of Convalescence! It's a new thing for me. I don't think I've had a break like this in my entire life. Right now I am in the middle of chemotherapy. And actually, more than halfway through. Yesterday was my 3rd of 4 treatments, so we can call that 75% done! Home stretch it is! I have been feeling good, and even been playing music locally. I haven't been able to tour or really work at all while I focus on my healing, inside and out. I feel fortunate to be surrounded by love and support through these times. I could never have imagined this experience. Is is ok to say I'm grateful? Even if it seems strange, I am so grateful for this blip in what seemed like an enormous upheaval initially, but somehow something I needed. Even as a nurse, focusing on my own wellness was something that I had constantly put on the back burner, and maybe forgot to turn that burner on... and I know it is a common thing for many people who care for others. Wow. It's still a challenge I am working on. But many good things are happening, and I will look back on this year and period of change as an amazing universal gift. 

 Yesterday's Chemo #3!    

 this past Monday I had a blast spilling my guts on the Ariel Bui's show 'MeSoScene' at WXNA 101.5 LP Nashville


Music and Healing... Songs at the Center


Columbus Benefit Concert is Next Monday July 25, 1 of 2